Ava knows for the future of humanity to survive, sacrifices must be made – an entire generation, if need be, to ensure that the human race lives to see a new dawn. She believes the cure lies in the blood of the next generation and has constructed an elaborate series of mental and physical tests (the maze) to strengthen them. She fixates on this and on her end goal (by any means necessary) instead of considering alternatives… and when numerous attempts to find a serum that will cure the infected fail, she becomes apathetic and simply “gives up,” much to Janson’s horror. She has no other ideas and nothing else to offer. Her inferior Se is so poor, she cannot adjust to new possibilities or situations, and is relatively worthless in adapting to the environment or protecting herself. She prefers to sit behind a desk in a lab and dictate decisions from there. She focuses on results and lab tests, statistics, and weighs the balance of human life against the cost to someone else. Hard decisions must be made, she believes, to ensure the survival of one and all. She is more detached than Teresa, who approaches people with warmth and humanity; Ava instead engages in a struggle between her firm desire for results and at times ruthless decision-making, and her own moral conscience… which troubles her. She disapproves of Janson “opening fire into a crowd” to get Thomas, and points out that he failed despite his use of excessive force. As time goes on, she seems to regret the choices she has made more and more, until she swears to Thomas that his will be the last sacrifice, and she will harm no one else.

Enneagram: 1w9

Ava is driven by a calling to a “higher good,” which unfortunately gives her license to mistreat people, strip away their individual rights, and for all purposes, “torture them” for the Cause. But though firm in her conviction that what she does is necessary, she also seems to question her own moral principles from time to time, to look down on others who are deliberately callous and inhumane, and wants to achieve something that will make it possible to care again. She can numb herself to the unpleasantness of her job, tune out, and even fall into periods of apathy in which she accepts her fate.

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