Cain is all about the bottom line and billable hours; he is the top dog in the hospital, because he bills millions of dollars by lining up back-to-back surgeries, and taking on procedures that can get him the most payouts from the insurance company. It’s all about how much money he makes, having a clean record (even if he has to deny his mistakes and/or dump them in another ward in the process), angling for the best deals, promotions, and ways to draw attention to what he does for the hospital, and avoidance of emotional attachments. Cain alienates other doctors through his arrogance and willingness to do dangerous procedures; he has foreseen this and figured out a way to bury his mistakes, while still profiting off them (they get expensive medical care, even without brain function, so they continue to provide money to his hospital, even if he is keeping them alive). Cain is forever thinking about his future and planning for it, he has cutting insights into the doctors around him, and instinctively knows who to trust/distrust/align with/avoid or who will be a problem for him later. He has expensive Se tastes, is reckless in the operating room, and at times careless and disinterested in doing anything other than the “important job” (he leaves Residents unsupervised to close up his brain surgeries). Cain is ambitious, driven, and powerful, but also unaware of his surroundings in a bad situation; that’s how he gets hit by a car. It’s hard for him to relearn how to do things, because his body is now different; but he is also determined not to let it hold him back, so he powers through and becomes a doctor again. His inferior Fi is a problem. Cain doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and he thinks communication ought to be about the brutal facts rather than sensitive feelings. He respects people more who are honest with him and who push back against him (his 8), but also does not want to be emotional in front of them. He locks himself up alone in an ER to have an emotional meltdown and cry where others can’t see him, after he finds out he may never be able to operate again. His growth arc involves becoming more responsible for his own wrongdoing, admitting to his mistakes, and learning to care about someone other than himself.  

Enneagram: 8w7

Cain is all about power and control, and ensuring no one does anything to him without experiencing intense pushback. When a doctor accuses him of inappropriate medical practices, Cain sees to it she almost gets deported, by reporting her to the authorities. Even though at this point he wants to take it back, because he has changed his mind, he “set things in motion” over which he has no control. He often goes toe to toe with AJ, as both of them compete and angle to be “top dog” at the hospital. Cain likes to push people around, force them to give him what he wants, and is not above employing blackmail or leverage to keep his record “spotless.” To accomplish this, he leaves a bunch of “vegetables” in a medical facility. His intense ego means that he assumes he is never in the wrong, and that he can do things other doctors can’t (he is both correct in this assumption sometimes, and massively overestimates himself at other times, including leaving a new mother in a coma and reassuring her kids that she will wake up). In this, he shows a 7 wing tendency to re-frame his mistakes into “wins,” to deny that he has culpability, and to ignore whatever troubles him by getting it out of his sight (pushing it away, so he doesn’t need to be reminded of it). When he is almost crippled after being hit by an ambulance while preventing someone else from being hit by a car, Cain at first reacts with intense anger. He throws tantrums in rehab, he callously tells another woman that she will never walk perfectly again, and he alienates everyone around him; but as he slowly regains his skills, tests his abilities, and works through his feelings, Cain finds his humanity and is able to go to work a better, more humane man than before.

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