Funky MBTI

Teaching MBTI & Enneagram Through Fictional Characters

Enneagram 2 + MBTI

Giving in the service of both seduction (out of a desire to gain love) and self-elevation is fundamental to the strategy of the 2. It is a complex blend of self-absorption and seeming generosity. The 2 is given not only to flattery but also disdain, flattering those whom through nearness gratify his pride, but disdains most of the rest in haughty superiority. Their arrogance comes from automatically assuming themselves to be at the center of all things and a prideful intent of making themselves visible. Read the full profile.

Influences on MBTI Types:

Editor’s Note: Because of its emphasis on responding to people’s emotional needs, 2s are feelers. Thinkers who have an element of 2 are 3w2 or 1w2.

ISFJ: often where the 2 shines most; a eager and expressive ISFJ, often incredible at attending to others’ immediate, present, and physical needs, but cautious in asking others to commiserate with them or help them talk through Fe-issues; can identify entirely through being acts of service, and feel displaced if others no longer ‘need’ them in some capacity. Uses Fe + 2 to read and meet others needs in advance.

ESFJ: another ‘most likely’ combination; but far more focused, like the ESTJ, on the broader community’s needs rather than individuals; likely to set up hospitals, social organizations, help groups, and create movements to meet immediate local needs; low Ti + 2 leads to a lack of self-analysis, and fears of others not needing their influence; can be pushy in trying to fix others’ problems for them, if immature or imbalanced.

INFJ: gifted at figuring out not only what people need, but what they need to hear, in order to shape them toward a greater version of themselves, which can lead them into manipulative behaviors if unhealthy; when healthy, an effective counselor-type personality, able to forewarn of troubles, usually strongly reliant on their relationships and concerned with appropriateness; sometimes with a greater over-reaching vision they want to see come about.

ENFJ: an aggressive social activist who thinks in the long term, rather than on short-term concerns and needs in the community; often wants to shape society for future great rewards; but prone to inferior Ti + 2 problems of not wanting to appear weak, and fearing unless others praise and follow them, they will leave no lasting impact on the world.

ESFP: is much more of a “doer” than an “emotional talker,” often taking direct Te-actions to organize events and problem-solve, rather than truly listening to others’ needs; may give impractical and/or generous gifts out of a desire to help, but a lack of social appropriateness or imagining how the other person might feel. May be distressed that they cannot connect to others as easily as the SFJ-2’s can.

ISFP: softens Fi-dom into a helpful and non-critical personality, eager to help others but uncertain how to do so on an emotional sharing level; the 2 can increase their sensitivity and take the rough edges off inferior Te. May enter nursing and/or doctoring professions, where their Fi-dom detachment allows them to offer care without over-expression.

ENFP: more socially-aware, eager to please, and harmonious than most ENFP combinations, focused on maintaining their relationships and volunteering to help out, with the expectation that others will do the same for them without being asked; non-confrontational, and angst-ridden when in trouble, but devotes a lot of their ‘helpfulness’ toward psychology or tert-Te direct decisive action, more than long term care.

INFP: the quiet, sensitive helper who thrives on others’ loves and gives it selflessly in return, but who ‘introverts’ their feelings and needs, vanishes in troubled times in their own life, and feels a sense of loss when they cannot find their place in the world.