Though Jack has made a living as a writer, he’s a true sensory-driven hero, as he immediately adapts to whatever situation is happening around him and makes use of it. When Ann gets kidnapped, it’s Jack who sets out after her, forging rivers, shooting bugs off his friends’ backs, and risking his life to pull her away from Kong. When Kong chases them, he grabs onto a bat wing and allows the creature to fly away with them and dump them in the river. Later, in New York, Jack grabs a taxi and leads Kong away from the main part of town in an attempt to save people’s lives. He knocks down two soldiers to get into the Empire State Building, to make his way to Ann, climbs all the way to the top outside the dome, and then embraces her after Kong’s death. Jack has a great deal more clarity when dealing with risk than Carl, knowing immediately it’s a bad idea to have Kong chained up in a theater full of people, and then present “the wrong blonde” to him. He tries to get people out as quick as he can, and winds up running for his own life when Kong recognizes him. His middle functions are less clear, but he seems more of a feeler overall. Seeing Kong tied up and made into a mockery in a theater makes him emotional. He also wrote a part for Ann into his play, to tell her he loved her, instead of just saying it to her face (he comes to the theater midway through the performance just to tell her about his love in person). Jack is proactive in chasing her down, because he loves her, but also blunt in how he tells Baxter that he’s a “coward” for wanting to turn back on the island. He’s a successful playwright, but needs a muse to turn out a lot of pages. And it startles him to wind up on a boat in the middle of the ocean, rather than being home in New York. He shows almost no intuition, and it’s easy for Carl to manipulate him long enough for them to pull away from the dock by writing him a paycheck “wrong” several times.

Enneagram: 3w2

Jack’s Enneagram type isn’t clear, because we don’t know what he wants, but the assertive triad seems to fit him well. He’s quick to leap into action to save Ann and mobilizes his friends to do so, rescuing many of them because he doesn’t have to think before he acts, he just acts on what he feels. He’s a successful writer and self-confident about his work; Jack knows it’s good, and Anne insulting him without knowing he’s standing there (calling him a twiggy intellectual) doesn’t stop him from liking her. He often intervenes for his friends, putting himself at risk for them several times, and not allowing anything to stop him from achieving his goal of rescuing her. He can also be warm and charming when he wants to be, per his 2 wing. It becomes more about his intense love for Ann than his career.