Rufus is extremely analytical and good at his job, which is to build, improve on, and operate time machines; he creates his own coding and expands the limitations of the machine, he points out the logical ramifications of everything they do, and he tries to remain detached and observant when they engage with the outer world. And, he does not really want to be involved in actual missions at first, until he gains some experience in the field and learns to trust Wyatt and Lucy. He focuses all of his knowledge on theoretical timelines, the big picture, and on abstract topics, and comes alive when asked to discuss “what if” scenarios, even if he initially dismisses the idea of God’s existence. Later, he reverses this, his reasoning being that if he came back from the dead, maybe someone is looking out for them after all. He has a lot of knowledge of his own that he contributes to their missions, and a deep love for certain details pertaining to his own interests, such as his excitement about meeting notable and famous black icons in history. He shows low Fe in that he can become upset, emotional, and even lose his temper under pressure, as his emotions get out of control… but he is not emotional most of the time, and feels awkward when asked to handle anyone else’s feelings.

Enneagram: 6w5

Rufus doesn’t initially want to get into the time machine and be the pilot because, as he points out, there has never been a time in history that hasn’t sucked for a black person. Anything could happen to him! He worries and frets where the others just react or decide things based on intuition, or where his girlfriend reassures him it’s all going to work out fine. Rufus can be contrarian and argumentative, though, but without ever wanting to cause someone to dislike him; he can pooh at his girlfriend’s ideas about fate and death and God, but doesn’t want to alienate her or cause a genuine argument. But he can also be risk-taking, funny, and assertive, going against people who disagree with him, refusing to spy for Rittenhouse anymore, and insisting upon rescuing the woman he loves from history even after she told him to stay away. He can be fearful one moment, and confident it’s all going to be fine the next.

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