Henry is pretty logical and detached, doing what is necessary or needs done, without allowing emotion to cloud his reasoning. He helps Walt get revenge on the man who killed his wife, then hides it from the law; he helps a woman escape justice after shooting her rapist, and takes her to the Crow reservation so she’s outside Walt’s jurisdiction. He is able to overlook most insults and attempts to enrage his wrath, and calmly think his way through situations. Henry can even suppress his own pain to maintain a façade of not being the vigilante Walt is looking for, after being shot in the leg. He quickly pieces things together, and has a flexible sense of self, situation, and takes on different moral stances based on the circumstances of a situation and the people involved. Henry is more trusting of intuition, spirit guides, and dream interpretations than Walt, and often uses them to help inform his decisions. He is deeply rooted in Cheyenne lore and their way of life, offering input that gives Walt insights into how his people think, and how he might get them to cooperate, but reminding him that they distrust the white man because of their long history of being abused by white people. In this way, he is rooted to the collective history of his tribe and respectful of its traditions and beliefs. He participates in many of their rituals because they hold value for him, and often wants details in his quest to understand situations, form theories, and solve cases with Walt. His low Fe is generally accepting, wants to do what is best for others, and finds ways to build inroads between them, rather than wanting to create more controversy or fights, but also has a flexible morality that changes dependent on the circumstances involved (at times, this is right, at other times, it’s wrong).

Enneagram: 9w1

Henry is pretty mellow and easygoing, and doesn’t mind breaking the law for a friend, sometimes without considering that it could backfire on him, because it feels like the right thing to do. He avoids judging others a lot of the time, and helps out people from the tribe, or intervenes and tries to get two people to get along for the sake of peace. When he first met Walt as a kid, the two of them got into a bare-knuckle brawl because Henry thought he was being insulted, but then Walt explained why he said what he did about the drinking fountain, and “we have been friends for forty years now.” Though mellow, when Henry realizes the absence of an “avenging spirit” is needed on the reservation, he steps in to deal out justice, with the condition that his alternate ego never kills anyone. Many times, he defies and goes up against Walt, since he compassionately wants to get someone to safety or ensure that justice is done outside of the law on their behalf, even if it makes him a fugitive, because he wants “right” to be done by them.

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