In the first film, Claire measures everything according to bottom lines, ticket sales, investment revenues, and feedback reports, so much so that the park’s owner gets on her case for not having a “feel” for the real purpose of the park, which is to provide “fun” over profit. She easily heads up an enormous park organization, effortlessly keeping track of things and issuing orders. Her work is her life. She loves it. She’s good at it. And she is always thinking logically. In the second film, she uses her superb organizational skills to head up a massive “save the dinosaurs” movement and get senators on board with her ideas. Claire also wants to free the dinosaurs at the end of the second film, unable to watch them die, but makes the more rational decision not to push the button, because she knows what a huge mistake it would be for humanity to release them into the wild. Her interactions with Owen smack of former negative personal experiences (“You wore boy shorts to our date!”) and subjective remembrances of their relationships (her laughing when Owen says he left her). Even on a date, she had an entire itinerary planned down to the smallest detail. She is attentive to all the details of the park management and clearly has a full knowledge bank of the efficiency and flaws of the former park. She is somewhat hands-on in her environment, but not always realistic in interacting with it. Her grand finale move includes guiding a T-Rex in to fight the apex predator with a flair, which clearly harkens back to the initial interactions with the T-Rex in the first park. (“If it worked once, it will work again…” is the mantra of Si.) One of her jobs is to figure out how to bring extra revenue into the park, so Claire immediately sees the potential in creating a new dinosaur. She fails to think about the long-term effects of this, shows no interest in the details of what went into the dinosaur’s genetics, and really only sees its positive potential rather than the negative pitfalls. Claire is a little naïve when dealing with the dinosaur (she falls for its trick in being “out of its pen”), and unlike Owen, doesn’t understand why it was a bad idea to create a Raptor-hybrid apex predator and raise it alone in containment with no social skills.  In the second film, she trusts established relationships a little too readily, leaping into action to save the dinosaurs without considering the negative potential outcomes. Her inferior Fi grows between the films; in the first one, she’s neglectful of her family responsibilities and only becomes emotionally engaged when they’re in peril. Claire resents it when Owen implies that she doesn’t care about the dinosaurs or think of them as anything other than a bottom line; she is upset over their wanton destruction but doesn’t ever talk about her feelings. Rather, she acts on them, right down to that kiss. In the second, she becomes fixated on the moral issues of leaving dinosaurs to die, selling them for a profit, and weaponizing them.

Enneagram: 1w2

Owen gets on Claire because he says she’s the only person he’s ever known who brought an itinerary to a date; she argues that she just knows what she wants, and likes things to be organized. When her sister calls her asking about the kids, Claire feels guilty for abandoning them for her work. She also laughs at the idea that her boyfriend thinks he walked out on the relationship (because SHE told him to leave and he did it, so she’s the boss!). She is rather uptight in the first film. Claire is detailed and hard-working, somewhat hard on her employees and expects perfection from the park. She is calm, rational, level-headed, and self-confident. She believes as long as she’s in charge, the park will be safe. She’s dutiful, kicking into an instant desire to rescue the kids once she realizes they are in danger. In the second film, she’s focused on the moral implications of allowing the dinosaurs to die on the island; she’s willing to moralize at others, and use persuasion and helpfulness to rescue them (w2). She broke up with her boyfriend because she wanted to “control” everything, and she looked down on him for “living in a bus” (and he wouldn’t let her drive it).

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